Aboriginal Entrepreneurs Economic Development Conference

Harold served as the master of ceremonies for the Aboriginal Entrepreneur's Economic Development Conference in 2011 and is scheduled to do so again in 2012. The 2-day conference examines the impact of federal policy and programs as well as successes within Aboriginal economic development and encourages the ongoing development of Aboriginal entrepreneurship across the country. The conference was convened to further the implementation of the Canadian government's Federal Framework for Aboriginal Economic Development.

This is one of many economic development-related projects with which Harold Tarbell Facilitation has experience. Other key economic activities include development of the Anishinabek Nation/Union of Ontario Indians Regional Economic Development Strategy, the 2004 Sectoral Roundtable on Economic Development, and the Comprehensive Community Planning course and workshop being offered through the Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of Canada.


Co-Chair, Chiefs in Assembly - Assembly of First Nations


National Behavioral Health ConferenceIndian Health Service