Nisga'a Lisims Government


Harold worked with the Nisga'a Lisims government, located in northern British Columbia, to develop the Nisga'a Nation's current vision statement "Sayt-K'il'im-Goot—One Heart, One Path, One Nation." This vision statement continues to be the guiding statement for the nation's website and overall communications efforts, and it influences how the nation structures its approach to governance, management, and reporting issues.

Currently, Harold is helping design a Quality of Life Summit with the Nisga'a Nation, planned for 2012. Outcomes of the summit will be used in creating an overall quality of life strategy for the nation. Harold's expertise in Aboriginal governmental issues and skills in facilitation have helped the Nisga'a Nation articulate its vision, and he continues to assist the nation in its efforts to improve the quality of life for its people.


Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of Canada


Co-Chair, Chiefs in Assembly - Assembly of First Nations